Chris Chant
From the Great War to the present.
The history of aerial bombardment can be divided into four periods.
The First World War saw the birth of the bomber who experience rapid evolution, pressed by events.
The interwar period was a turning point between a design, sometimes even craft of the airline industry and the race for technological innovations. The weight of the tragedy
left by the "Der of Der" has long blocked the technological progress.
The Second World War saw the triumph of the bomber in all aspects of its mission: the assault bombing raid through strategic attack submarines or ships ...
But at the end of the conflict, the emergence of nuclear weapons will change the design of the bombing.
The fourth period began on the balance of Terror leaving major strategic bombers during the Cold War sky masters.
Today, at the turn of the century, the great bomber is mostly considered a missile launcher and the classic platform bombardment is not now, confi ed to planes
specifi cally designed for this mission. Time drone rang ...
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